i just burn a dvd that contain wall-e, twililght, how to loose & alienate people, madagascar 2 and confessions of a shopaholic. the burning process went well but i just got stuck into this question.
after watching the dvd what will happen?
i love to watch movies. i love to watch it at cinema or just get it from dvd seller or download it. i have a 5 min intererest syndrom. there are times when im into that interest, i will download probably 10 to 20 movie at a time, but then, it depends on the situation and my mood to watch it or not.
downloading movie sometimes takes days. and when i realize those movies i have downloaded has taken the space is my laptop, and the the process running is damn slow, i will start my computer cleaning rutine which is deleting. thinking of all hardworks and patience given to download those movies, i will have this one feeling whereby i will feel 'ala sayangnya nak buang. penat2 je download'. so i will do this anotgher rutine whereby it is called 'menyimpan sampah'. this rutine consistss of burning all the movies that i have dloaded.
yes, it is a good thing. tidak membazir selepas meluangkan masa yg lama untuk dload. but the next question goes, what will happen to dvd?
a) will i watch it again?
b) or the dvd will be in one of the stacks of cd that i have
c) or if i have anyone that will borrow my dvd for their view and never return it back
d) or my dvd will be stored safely untill i dont even know its existence
e) or i may get reach in 50 years from now cuz i have tons of antique dvd... haha
well, back to the question, it is up to the individual to decide. hmmm...
beli external harddisk! it frees up space in ur laptop and u can watch the movie whenever u want to ;)