Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Ya Tuhan

tuhan permudahkan jalan ku
sekiranya dia adalah untukku, kau terangilah perjalanan ini dan berkatinya Ya Allah.

tuhan kuatkan diri ku
sekiranya dia bukan untukku, ku redha dan tunjukkanlah aku jalan yang benar Ya Allah

sesungguhnya kau yang maha berkuasa dan tahu segala yang terbaik untuk umat manusia.

Monday, January 24, 2011

next step

am i doing the right step?

god help me to decide. this is not an easy decision that i could just decide.
please give me your guidance, is this the right step for me to take?
or this is just a path that i need to go through.
please god help me. i dont want to regret at a later time.
i just want a simple and happy life.
an everlasting love and meaningful marriage.
a love tender in every day of life.
i dont need wealth, i just want love.
please god. i really do not know what should i do now.
please show me the lights.