Monday, May 4, 2009


If I could get another chance
Another walk, another dance with him
I'd play a song that would never ever end
How I'd love love love to dance with my father again

it has been a year u left us papa. it is still hard to accept the fact that ur gone. mama gave me ur shirt and i wore it to office today. it felt so near to you but yet your too far. missing u badly papa. looking at ur picture on my desk and still not believing that u left us all too fast.

we had tahllil for u last saturday. alhamdulillah, we manage to have more than 40 to recite the yassin for u. while we were reciting, i saw mama crying. and mak tam was crying too. it was sad when later that night, mama brought down all of ur clothes to be given to our relatives. they were talking about how great u are and it really sadden me. it is sad cause my father is no longer in the world anymore.

im crying while typing this letter. its been a year but it felt like it is still new. missing u badly papa. fifi rindu sangat papa.

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