Friday, November 27, 2009


selamat hari raya aidiladha.

i just realize yg idea semakin tidak banyak. buktinya, sudah kurang penghasilan blog. its not that im not interested anymore but there are so many constraints and limitation is happening to my self. kena maki dengan bos adalah seprti satu hobi bru skarang nie. but i take it as a learning process. takpela, lu maki maki gua, gua jugak akan pandai nanti. lu yg penat nak maki gua berbakul2.

being the only one left in production is super hard. its like everything is on ur shoulder. u have to start it first, or u will be labelled access baggage. but sometimes when u start first, it doest mean that ur in good hands. it might turn up to be 'pandai-pandai' punya keje. but u know wat. whatever. im just doing my job not laying around doing nothing.

today is arief bday. we celebrate here at ttdi. with the theme diego, nasib baikla ada bawak satu shirt demon supersize yg dibeli di danau kota for 20 bux. i have to say, to get this kind of statement and indie shirts, danau kota would be the best place to go. took kinda lots of pictures during the celebration. pictures would always be the memory.

talking about pictures, pictures worth a thousands word. and u have like 100 of it, try to calculate that. and dates dont lie especially to someone like me who doesnt erase my messages inside the phone since june. haha. technology is mostly accurate. u cannot lie on technology especially kalau kau bukanlah seperti chuck ataupun some super sonic computer literate freak nerdy yg tau utk mengubah teknologi.

i just dont understand why do i always fall in love for a guy who dont exactly appreciate me. or at least desire for me. maybe is just not my time yet. well let it be. tuhan itu maha adil. sepandai-pandai tupai melompat, akhirnya jatuh ke tanah juga. (haiii~ nie dah banyak kali sangat tgk tupai melompatlompat. )

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