Monday, February 16, 2009

new hairdo!

i know im crazy to blog twice in the same day. but i just got passionate in blogging tonight. im still at the office, waiting for the rehearsals to end. basically everyone in the 2nd floor have already gone home and relaxing while me, still sitting on the desk listening to my winamp outloud since there's no one (actually just to make sure i dont here weird noise.. oh god please dont). actually im kinda feeling dizzy looking at all the numbers on my desk and work that i got to do. most of it are in top hands but still, im just worried if i may accidentally mislook....

yesterday, ali asked me out. i thought by having my weekends relaxing but he insists to go out. so okay, we went out. in the car he was just in a mood to go out. okay baby, lets go out. then he asked where are we going so i made him to picked. the best part is he picked mahkota parade. and his crazy. i dont want to
follow crazy desicions ( u nie gle tau!). so again he redecide to go to the curve. i guess that just our place nowadays. not in a mood to got far. nak masuk kl pon malas. just imagine that.

so we went to the curve and ate our lunch there. ali was crazy to drag me to a salon to re do my hair (ok i tau rambut i dah setengah setengah colour). he left me there to do my hair and manicure. its been a while i didnt treat myself. so here people. this is the new me. still chubby but more to confidence to come. i may be soft, but dont let me be loud cuz u never know what i would do. ~ooh! garangnya!

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